Our Luxey HQ Worm Farm!
We recently purchased a Subpod Compost worm farm to add to the backyard of our Luxey warehouse so we can avoid sending wasted breakfast and lunch scraps to landfill.
Let us blow your minds with why composting is so important!
All of the fruit and veggies we eat come from the ground. Composting keeps soil nutrient dense which support the healthy growth of plants, veggie gardens and trees to grow and thrive, to feed humans!
Most people are of the understanding that food scraps will break down because its organic matter. Food scraps unfortunately don't break down when they go to landfill because they need oxygen, heat, moisture and the right kind of micro-organisms (worms are awesome). Landfill has a whole heap of crap dumped on top of each other so not only is there no oxygen or moisture but there is also a lack of the right micro-organisms. Without oxygen, moisture, micro-organisms and heat combined together, the food scraps will release a gas called methane which is one of the culprits for climate change and air pollution which affects our human experience.
Let us blow your minds with why composting is so important!
All of the fruit and veggies we eat come from the ground. Composting keeps soil nutrient dense which support the healthy growth of plants, veggie gardens and trees to grow and thrive, to feed humans!
Most people are of the understanding that food scraps will break down because its organic matter. Food scraps unfortunately don't break down when they go to landfill because they need oxygen, heat, moisture and the right kind of micro-organisms (worms are awesome). Landfill has a whole heap of crap dumped on top of each other so not only is there no oxygen or moisture but there is also a lack of the right micro-organisms. Without oxygen, moisture, micro-organisms and heat combined together, the food scraps will release a gas called methane which is one of the culprits for climate change and air pollution which affects our human experience.

Essentially landfills bury trash but don't break it down.
Fun fact: Researchers found 40 year old newspapers that were still readable, a 25 year old lettuce head in perfect condition and hot dogs in their packet that were decades old!
Gross but also kind of fascinating to know that these items would have broken down and turned into nutrient dense compost within a couple of months if they were composted.
Gross but also kind of fascinating to know that these items would have broken down and turned into nutrient dense compost within a couple of months if they were composted.