Here are some of the many benefits to drinking more water:
1. Ward off brain fog and headaches
2. Ease constipation and flush out toxins from the body
3. Reduce the intensity of hangovers
4. Lubricates your joints
5. Delivers oxygen through the body
6. Boosts skin health and beauty
7. Balance blood pressure and assist blood flowing through blood vessels
8. Reduces chance of a UTI

Research shows that women should be drinking on average 2.5L per day which to some people can seem like alot!
Here's you can drink more water throughout your day:
1. Use a Larger Cup
Having a larger cup to drink from makes it easier to take sips throughout the day instead of drinking a full glass in one go. Here in the office at Luxey HQ our warehouse staff drink water from their Luxey Water Bottles as they are always on the go and our marketing girls drink water from their Smoothie Cups at their desk.
2. Set Drinking Goals with your Larger Cups
With a larger cup you can set goals to refill a certain number of times because the larger the cup the less times you need to refill.
3. Swap Soda's for Water
Do you have a sweet tooth? Does water taste bland to you? If you're feeling stuck with drinking 2.5L of water a day, add a little fruit to sweeten things up! Add a drop or two of essential oils for flavour if you are having sugar cravings - grapefruit and wild orange essential oils are delicious!
4. Drink Delicious Water
Here at Luxey HQ we have a great water filter that removes all of the heavy metals and chlorine that can be in tap water. We use a Zazen water filter and we feel they are totally worth the investment!

How do I know if I am hydrated?
1. You are not thirsty
2. Your wee is light yellow or clear :)
3. Your drinking 2.5L or more
Are you inspired to drink more water?
Your first step is to upgrade your drinking glass or bottle!